To be the trusted provider of animal welfare services in Witzenberg.
To build a respected organisation that can raise funds to rescue, treat and shelter animals in need; to operate an adoption service so that rescued animals can have a second chance; and to drive prevention campaigns by educating the community and offering sterilisation services that reduce the number of animals in need.
We are a small animal welfare organization made up of a few volunteers.
We currently have a limited shelter facility for dogs in Wolseley and cats in Tulbagh.
Our committee is all volunteers who have full-time jobs, own businesses etc and their involvement with Chain Boland is over and above their other commitments.
We work closely with the Witzenberg Municipality and the three Veterinary Practices in our area to address the overpopulation of dogs and cats in our region, through sterilization, vaccination, education, clinics etc. In the unfortunate cases of severe illness or injury, we have to deal with humane euthanasia. This decision is always made with a heavy heart with the purpose of ending the suffering of an animal.
Over the years we worked very hard at fundraising and eventually thanks to our efforts as well as the generosity of our supporters, we acquired a second-hand vehicle to allow us to be active in the field. We are now in need of a better-equipped vehicle for animals and with airconditioning. Our other goal (dream) is to have our own permanent premises where we can erect proper kennels, have an office, storage facility, exercise area for the rescues and so on.
Who are we
Jeremy Mackintosh (Chairperson), Elise van Holten (Immediate Past Chairperson), Averil Slater (Secretary), Alison Irvine (Administrator), Vanessa Neary (Fundraising & Shop), Lawrie Irvine & Anne-Juliette Quemoun (Finance), Hazel Havenga (Fieldworker & Adoptions), Debbie Pretorius (Shelter Mom), Phoebe du Preez & Kevin Beaumont (Media)