As we are a group of volunteers and have very limited infrastructure and resources, we are always in need of a helping hand. Here are a few ideas on how you can help or become involved:
- Sign/setup a monthly Debit Order of any amount that you can afford. This helps us to be financially more stable and allows us to plan our commitments better;
- Donate a bag of dog/cat food per month;
- Offer to foster puppies or kittens or adult dogs;
- Often we need help with transporting animals/lifts to Cape Town;
- Offer to help work at a stall at markets or at a fundraising event, or at open adoption days;
- Drop off your good second-hand books (novels), clothing and bric-a-brac at Chain on Main (Tulbagh) which we can resell to raise funds;
- We always need a supply of washable blankets and towels at the foster homes (they don’t last long) and toys to occupy the dogs and cats.
- We have a Whatsapp Group, Friends of Chain, which is the quickest way to communicate our needs or often a crisis. To be added to this group, please send your details to Nelia 082 899 2248.
- You can help us every time you shop! Just sign up for your My School – My Planet – My Village card, and swipe at participating retailers.
Download the form below, or email us at If you already have a card (which is absolutely free), you can go onto your profile online and add us as a beneficiary.
Click here to download the My Planet Application form.
Drop off points for any donations:
Tulbagh: Chain on Main Shop, 38 Van Der Stel Street, Tulbagh.
Ceres: Ceres Veterinary Hospital.
Wolseley: Chain Shelter, 19 Mill Street, Wolseley (on Google Maps).
You can also help us by shopping online at the Santa Cause for Paws shop in aid of Chain Boland. All profits will be paid out directly to Chain Boland. Click the button below and start shopping!
Otherwise you can donate to Chain by donating on GivenGain by clicking here.
Our Goal
We purchased a 2nd-hand VW Caddy to transport our animals. The estimate cost is around R200 000 with the customization of the interior included (fans, cages, etc) to make it suitable for the animals.
We update our progress of the money that we raise weekly. So far we have raised R125 463.00 |